Crafting our brand identity: A truly collaborative endeavour

In February 2024, Jacobs Media unveiled a refreshed brand identity that genuinely captures who we are as an organisation. However, this new brand represents far more than just an updated logo and colour palette – it is the embodiment of our collective values, expertise and passion for the travel and hospitality industries.

The journey began last autumn when we set out to redefine our brand guidelines. From the very start, we were determined to make this a collaborative process involving every member of our team. We conducted surveys, hosted focus groups and facilitated open discussions to gather insights from our diverse workforce.

The feedback we received proved invaluable. Our people shared their perspectives on what makes Jacobs Media truly unique, the core values we should embody, and how we could better communicate our expertise and enthusiasm for the sectors we serve.

A brand shaped by our people
As this process progressed, a clear vision emerged for what our refreshed brand identity needed to convey. It had to exude confidence and authority while maintaining a personal, approachable tone. It needed to showcase deep industry knowledge without coming across as condescending. And above all, it had to authentically express our passion for accelerating business success on a global scale.

Guided by these principles, we crafted new brand guidelines that are a true reflection of who we are collectively as an organisation. The end result was a collaborative effort – capturing our essence while reflecting the diverse perspectives of our valued team members.

United by our new identity
Now several months on from the launch, we take immense pride in having a brand identity that resonates with our people and our clients alike. It embodies the expertise, personal service and thought leadership that sets Jacobs Media apart.

As we move forward, our new brand will provide the foundation for fostering meaningful conversations and driving sustainable growth across the travel and hospitality landscape. It represents an exciting new chapter made possible by the power of collaboration and our unwavering commitment to putting people at the heart of everything we do.